Their forests are being destroyed, leaving them starving and homeless. Poachers are ripping babies from the loving arms of their dead mothers for sale on the black market. Farmers are poisoning, shooting, and attacking them with machetes. Never before have orangutans faced such relentless threats.
They’re running out of time, vanishing before our eyes. If we don’t protect them and their forest homes, they’ll be gone forever.
This is your chance to stand up for these vulnerable beings when they need you most. Your donation could mean the difference between life and death.
Please give now to rescue, heal, and protect orangutans before it’s too late. From saving orphaned babies to defending their last forests, you‘ll be on the frontlines of this fight for survival.
Every gift saves lives—giving hope not just to one orangutan, but to their entire species.
On behalf of the orangutans you’ll help, thank you for being their lifeline. Together, we can stop their Extinction.