For several decades, illegal poaching syndicates have been smuggling Critically Endangered orangutans out of Sumatra and Borneo for wealthy international buyers
They’ve been getting away with it because it has always been extremely difficult to repatriate stolen orangutans from overseas, and it takes many years of dedicated care and rehabilitation, once the stolen orangutan is returned.
They’ve been getting away with it until now.
The Orangutan Project and our two key Indonesian partners, the Orangutan Information Centre (OIC) and the Centre for Orangutan Protection (COP) have launched two new rescue alliances in Sumatra and Borneo to rescue, rehabilitate and release orangutans stolen by the global wildlife trade.
Already, scores of captive orangutans have been rescued from illegal captivity across Indonesia and abroad, and we know there are many more waiting in the wings - urgently requiring rescue.
Every one of these rescued orangutans needs immediate quarantine and medical care, followed by many years of dedicated rehabilitation and Jungle School. Our goal is for every one of these confiscated orangutans to get the best chance of success in the protected wild - and for that we need you!
Please help us rescue and rehabilitate more stolen orangutans!
Our Alliances have now two established excellent rescue and rehabilitation centres in Borneo and Sumatra, for orangutans confiscated from the illegal wildlife trade. But this is complex work and we are now raising urgent funds to make sure we can provide rehabilitation and Jungle School for every displaced, rescued and orphaned orangutan who desperately needs our help!
Your ongoing donations will make sure our BORA and SRA rescue centres are resourced with the very best staff every day of the year, to provide rescued orangutans with all that they need for a second chance of life in the wild.
Most rehabilitated orangutans will then graduate onto our release programs in protected habitat, where they’ll thrive in secure populations for the decades to come, helping to secure the survival of their species.
Please give a gift today and help us secure the survival of Critically Endangered orangutans - thank you!
Orangutans at our SRA Rescue Centre will graduate onto our Release Program in the Bukit Tigapuluh Ecosystem, where they’ll join Sam and Sule above, part of the most successful colony of rehabilitated Sumatran orangutans in the world!
This is truly groundbreaking - a chance to seriously impact the illegal wildlife trade and to make sure every stolen orangutan gets a new chance of life in the wild - helping to secure the survival of their species
The Sumatran Rescue Alliance (SRA) and the Bornean Orangutan Rescue Alliance (BORA) have been launched to help authorities fight back against the illegal trade of Critically Endangered orangutans. We know these multi-billion dollar crime networks will be seriously impacted as soon as their buyers see Indonesia now has the means to confiscate illegally held orangutans no matter where they are in the world.
Leif Cocks, Founder and President of The Orangutan Project