Help rescue orangutans from a life of misery

Mabel’s Rescue Story

Mabel was just seven months old when she was separated from her mother - who was reportedly shot dead on a palm oil plantation. 

The helpless orphan was left all alone and frightened. But her nightmare had only just begun. 

Mabel was captured and stolen from the jungle. She was thrown behind bars - yet another innocent victim of the illegal pet trade. 

She had no room to swing like an orangutan. She was given water when she needed milk, and fed the wrong foods. Her stomach was bloated. Her nose was blocked and she was struggling to breathe. Her eyes were swollen from lack of sleep.

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Click to watch the story of Mabel’s rescue

Traumatised, malnourished, and sick, Mabel was curled up in pain on the floor of her birdcage prison.

But the terrified infant was rescued and Mabel received the urgent medical care she needed.

Now, Mabel’s future is looking brighter. 

She is in the care of wildlife experts at our rescue and rehabilitation centre, where she will continue to receive the love and support she needs.

Her rehabilitation will take many years, but it is hoped that one day Mabel can return to her forest home to live a happier life wild and free.

If Mabel hadn't been rescued from her nightmare, her emotional and physical suffering would have continued. She would not have received the medical care she urgently needed. Worse still, she may not have survived. 

That's why dedicated rescue teams are so important. Without them, captive orangutans won’t get the chance of freedom.

This is your chance to be part of our rescue team.

Please donate today. It’s only with your support that orangutans like Mabel can be rescued from a life of misery.

Thank you for supporting the urgent rescue of Critically Endangered orangutans. 

Donate to fund orangutan rescues