Thank-you on behalf of the Orangutans

Thanks to all of you who helped to save the Sumatran orangutans’ last jungle home.

In the last 2 weeks, more than 11,000 people have urged the Indonesian President, Joko Widodo, to not destroy the Sumatran orangutans’ last refuge. 

With your support we have successfully delayed any decision on the passing of the Aceh Spatial Plan, a law that could have opened up 5 million football fields of pristine jungle to deforestation from palm oil companies. We have launched 2 legal cases to the Indonesian courts and are about to launch a third. We have empowered local communities to fight for forest protection and funded ranger patrols to collect evidence of illegal clearing for our court cases. We still need your help to close the gap and reach our goal of $10,000 so it is matched by an anonymous donor!

Help us make sure the Aceh Spatial Plan is never passed and the Sumatran orangutans’ last jungle home is protected forever.

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