
Rahayu is now 15 years old and is thriving on Setrum Island, run by our friends at IAR Indonesia.

Rahayu enjoying canopy living

In the past six months, she has improved in her social and independent behavior. Once close to her caretakers, Rahayu now explores the forest with her friend, Karmila and her offpring Batis. Rahayu is also integrating into the wider orangutan group. She interacts with others, such as Badul and Gakkum, from time to time.

Despite her visual impairment, Rahayu navigates the island with impressive skill. She’s an expert forager, discovering fruits and natural food sources on her own. Her nest-building skills are equally impressive. She builds new nests and maintains old ones with great skill. Rahayu remains dominant in the group, seldom challenged for food by her peers.

Her journey hasn’t been without challenges. A few months ago, Rahayu went missing for two days, which worried her caregivers. Thankfully, she was found and treated for a mild case of malaria. After a speedy recovery, she was back to her routine, showing the resilience that defines her.

Rahayu's independence and social ties show her progress. We are so proud of how far she’s come and excited for what lies ahead. Thank you for supporting her rehabilitation and helping her prepare for a life back in the wild!

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